About Me

Welcome To My World

A lot has happened since I started this blog January 2013. Its course has been irrevocably changed forever.

Earthly Bodies blog has now grown and is the forum to support my health consultation business Earthly Bodies Natural Living. Through this program I can guide you to a total state of true health and wellness for your mind and body. My own experiences, love for natural health/beauty alternatives have now cemented why I chose to major in Health & Nutrition with a minor in Kinesiology all those years ago. This is not a fad diet or  a quick fix…this is a whole body lifestyle change! I am here to show you that your body can and wants to heal itself of all ailments and be in optimum condition. Just give your body what it wants and it will shine for you!

2014-03-23 12.20.08

Get To Know Johanna (pronounced Ya-ha-na)

I am a lover of life who strives to be a better me everyday in all my various roles. I love God FIRST which has shown me how to love myself as He created me AND be a good wife, mother, daughter, sister, T.T. and friend. I am a Business Training Consultant for a national bank which is a role I am blessed to have. I am also the Minister of Music at Word In Truth Ministries of Jesus Christ International where my mother Jacqueline T Earthly is the Pastor operating in all facets of the five fold ministry. In my spare time I live here…constantly being fueled by my passion to find out more about keeping these earthly temples healthy and a safe place for us to live in.

We love you for reading!  Christovia & Johanna Earthly Bodies Natural Living

We love you for reading!
Christovia & Johanna
Earthly Bodies Natural Living

I am married to the love of my life, Christovia Ramos III, who is the Chief Ministerial Officer for W.I.T Ministries. We were married May 20, 2006 and have accepted God’s calling on our marriage to be a ministry to help heal and strengthen this union He wishes for us all to have. We are leaders over our church’s marriage/couples ministry. We are raising our teenage daughter Heaven Raquel together and she is a part of the music ministry.

My passion and commitment is around showing people a better way to provide their earthly body the health and nutrition it needs to thrive. I am a 2001 graduate of the University of South Alabama where I received my degree in Health Education with a focus on Nutrition and Kinesiology. Welcome to my journey as I look forward to sharing with you my love of all things natural for our Earthly Bodies (^_^).

26 Comments on “About Me”

  1. I am proud and encouraged by your accomplishments! You’ve stayed focused and intentional, while leaning on our Father God and supported by a stunningly handsome and precious husband. Love Aunt Stella

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww thank you so much for saying that Kendase! If that’s how you feel then I am doing this the way Father intended! You and your body deserve that <3.
      I love you back and we miss yall dearly!!! Thanks again for your support (^_^).


  2. Name: Jacqueline

    Comment: Congratulations Daughter! Your trust and dependence in Father God & HIS Word to you in the midst of all of Chris & Your desire to please HIM, your hearts and minds cannot phanthom the good/great things in store for your obedience. HE has placed inside of you dreams and talents to move forth in and some that have yet to be tapped into as you move forward toward destiny. Keep foremost in your minds what HE has given you and as you work to glorify HIM in the temple HE has given you, loving yourself and saying what HE says about you and also letting your light shine, to help others along the way in a transformation in HIM in all that HE created here on earth to keep us whole and in good health (allowing our bodies to heal itself) is so beautiful. No matter the mindset, we are what we eat or fill our temples with in belief or unbelief, it’s a choice. But whatever you do, continue to share what FATHER GOD has given you. You are A Light, helping someone else(s) along the way, who is seeking for answers and being enlightened/helped in their search for knowledge and wisdom and the application of it. Even though these temples will one day vanish, it is a must that we take care of them here and now, because if we have dedicated ourselves to HIM, we are the agents/vessels that HE uses to manifest HIMSELF through as we present our bodies to HIM. It is called reasonable service. So, in what HE has given you, help all that are willing and to FATHER GOD BE THE GLORY IN JESUS NAME!!! Go Forth In HIM…My Prayers Are With You…I Love You!!!

    Time: May 3, 2014 at 11:14 PM

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am so proud to know and love you. Watching you grow these past nine years into such a magnificent woman has truly been my blessing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So proud of what you’ve accomplished. Looking forward to getting on board as a vegan.
    Love you..aunt Yvonne


  5. Yaaaaay!! I so appreciate and love you Johanna!! My mind is open and willing, my hearts desire is to cleanse His temple. I’m just starting, but I’m ready…love you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natasha it has been more than interesting to live it! So glad you stopped in to visit my little piece of the web. Please share this info with anyone you feel can benefit from it…which is everyone (^_^). I love you!


Talk to your girl! I love to hear from you (^_^).